Wildlife Control & Removal Services in Toronto, ON & GTA

Squirrels are well known to the public, they are the most common wildlife seen around Ontario. They have a small body frame, a bushy tail, and range in different colors from grey, black to brown. Their usual diet consists of seeds, nuts, and fruits. Much like rodents they can easily enter houses and cause an annoyance and wreckage for homeowners. They can access the home through the attic, gutter, and porches. The attic is the well-liked area for entry, since the attic is elevated, warm and a safe place to be.
Squirrels are fantastic chewers, they can chew threw almost anything from wood to wires therefore having a squirrel problem can lead to serious damage such as creating multiple entries and destruction in the roof, attic, gutter, sheds, porch, decks, etc., leaving behind feces and foods which can attract other different types of pests including ants, mice & rats, flies, etc. in some cases this leads to infestation. Expenses also rise as you may have damaged property to fix and may require treatments on other pests that are involved.
Squirrels have two litters a year, the first is between February and April, the second occurs in August or September, at this time the mother is in search of a safe area to care, nurture, protect, and grow her babies. They can access and cause destruction to the home by creating entry-points in the attic, gutter, shingles, roof pipes, roof vents, exhaust vents, etc. The attic is the most common area for entry from spring to winter since the attic is elevated, warm and a safe place to be but they also access sheds, porches, and decks. Squirrels tend to make a lot of noise by scratching, sprinting, and tearing apart the interior & exteriors of the home resulting in extremely high expenses for repairs.
squirrel removal attic, walls, sheds, porches & decks...
Exterior of roof/surroundings & interior of attics
Complete visual, hands-on inspection of roof & surroundings to identify entry-points or nesting areas. Interior inspection of the attic to locate babies and/or animal feces. Our inspections are thorough and well-thought out by the technician who works with you to get the BEST protection & treatments for your home.
(647) 417-7234infowildliferemoval@gmail.com
One-Way Door
Using one-way doors as a safe & humane removal method to evict animals out of attics while locking them out to prevent re-entry. One-way doors are specially designed to evict & lock animals out of their dens, it ensures a guaranteed removal & prevention! Our service is always done right the first time!
(647) 417-7234infowildliferemoval@gmail.com
High-Grade Products & Warranty
Sealing the entry-point & potential entry-points to prevent & protect you from animals breaking & entering for good! Preventing with high-grade industry leading technology & products that are 100% natural and eco-friendly. Protecting you with a guarantee warranty.
(647) 417-7234infowildliferemoval@gmail.com